Mobile QT BMT Members is one of the Mobile Applications, safe and comfortable owned byBMT QS to access accounts owned by Members online.Feature:- Deposit and withdraw cash among members- Transfers between accounts in BMT QS- Balance Information and Deposit Movements- Financing Info- Deposit or Time Deposit Info- Purchase Cellular Credit and electricity tokens- Payment of bills (Telephone, Electricity, PDAM, etc.).- Office Information- Product Information and Promos- Pay Zakat, Infaq and Waqf money to Baitul Mal Ki Slamet- Direct Access Menu Call Center BMT QS- Favorite Menu (Data storage of transfer transactions, Payments and Purchases)- Share Activities to Social MediaAfter the activation process is successful. Members can enter the main menu and enjoyMobile BMT QT Member standard features.For more information, visit the nearest BMT KI SLAMET unit or contact:BMT CALL 081515432468 or 085745735667